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KeepVid Pro 是一款Mac上强大易用的在线视频下载工具,今天和大家分享最新的 6.2 版本,KeepVid支持国内外10000多个视频网站,Hulu, Break, Metacafe, BlipTV, Vimeo, AOL, Lynda等,支持视频格式转换,很不错! 软件介绍 Download videos from YouTube and more than 10,000 other video sharing sites, including Dailymotion, Hulu, Break, Metacafe, BlipTV, Vimeo, AOL, Lynda, MegaVideo, Veoh, VideoBash, LiveLeak, MyVideo, FunnyOrDie, Nico Video, TV.com, Veevr, Adobe TV and more 软件截图
Moneydance 是一款Mac上优秀的财务管理工具,简单易用,功能强大,很不错! 软件介绍 Moneydance is a complete personal financial management application that includes features such as online banking, online bill payment, investment management, budget tracking, scheduled transactions, check printing, detailed graphs, reports and much more. 软件截图 软件安装方法 仅限VIP用户查看「通过赞助成为本站VIP」
Myriad 是一款Mac上优秀的音频文件批量处理工具,今天和大家分享最新的 4.1 版本,Myriad支持批量编辑、淡入淡出、比特率批量更改、格式批量转换等,很不错! [Myriad 在官网上售价99.99美元,约合人民币600元] 软件介绍 Myriad is, simply put, one of the best audio batch processors. Totally redesigned, it looks beautiful and delivers incredible performance. Let Myriad do the heavy lifting while you get back to doing what you do best: creating great sounds and music. 软件截图
The Witness 「见证者」,是一款Mac上好玩的冒险解谜大作,该作的游戏方式非常独特,而且游戏画面十分清新自然。游戏设定在一个神秘的无人小岛,玩家要在小岛上解谜冒险,揭露出背后的真相。本作解谜的核心机制是画线,但是一路上玩家需要通过配合不同场景做出不同反应,喜欢解谜游戏的玩家不要错过! [The Witness 在 Mac App Store上售价256元] 游戏介绍 You wake up, alone, on a strange island full of puzzles that will challenge and surprise you. You don't remember who you are, and you don't remember how you got h......
Memory Clean 是一款Mac上优秀的内存释放工具,今天和大家分享最新的 6.3 版本,可以实时监控系统内存的使用情况,并且可以释放内存,具有轻度清理和深度清理两种模式,简单易用,很不错! [Memory Clean 在 Mac App Store上售价30元] 软件介绍 Memory Clean is the ultimate app for optimizing your Mac's memory and is best used after you have finished using a memory (RAM) intensive app or game. With the slickest interface and user experience, Memory Clean stands head and shoulders above the rest. 软件截图
Simplify 是一款Mac上强大的音乐播放控制工具,可以在菜单栏统一控制iTunes、 VOX、Spotify、SoundCloud等音乐播放器或播放服务,并且支持iPhone远程控制,很强大! 软件介绍 The award-winning mini player that allows you to see and control your music. Simplify shows you what‘s currently playing in your favourite music app whether it's a desktop or even a web-based player. Control the player without leaving your current app! Simplify offers: • Controlling players playback and adjust sound volume, • F......
今天和大家分享最新的 Fileloupe 1.5.1 版本,Fileloupe 是一款Mac上非常好用的文件快速预览工具,它支持对各种文件的集中显示,移动,复制和删除等操作都不会对原文件产生任何的影响,有了「Fileloupe」,你可以在不借助于其它任何应用的情况下去听歌/看电影/阅读PDF和文档,比系统自带的预览要强大很多,很不错! [Fileloupe 在 Mac App Store上售价198元] 软件介绍 The fastest way to browse photos, watch videos, view PDFs and preview documents on your Mac. Period. Unlike existing solutions, Fileloupe does not re......
FiveNotes是一款Mac上精致的 Menubar 文本速记软件,你可以不用打开笨重的 Evernote、Day One 等笔记软件,直接在 Menubar 写下一些琐碎的文字信息,比如联系人的电话号码,家庭住址或是某一段话等等,很不错! 软件介绍 FiveNotes (formerly known as Quick) is a small text editor that you can always access by clicking (or pressing shortcut keys) on its Status bar icon. Even if you're working on a full screen app. If you prefer, it can stay on top of the window, so it can be used as a cheat-sheet app. Fiv......
ForkLift 是一款Mac上强大的FTP客户端,今天和大家分享最新的 3.0.6 版本,ForkLift除了FTP外,还支持SFTP, WebDAV, S3, iDisk, SMB, AFP 和 NIS 等协议,另一方面,ForkLift还是一款强大的本地文件管理软件,支持目录间的同步功能,很强大! 软件介绍 ForkLift is a powerful file manager and ferociously fast FTP client clothed in a clean and versatile UI that offers the combination of absolute simplicity and raw power expected from a well-executed Mac software. ForkLift will connect to any remote server SF......
Scherlokk 是一款Mac上优秀的文件搜索工具,功能强大,支持各种高级搜索功能,很不错! 软件介绍 Scherlokk is a lightning fast file search utility built for precise and reliable search of every file that meets the search criteria. Music, pictures, bookmarks, documents, etc. can be found quickly and easily. Search can be done on any kind of built-in volume, portable volume (memory cards, USB drives), network drive (AFP, SMB, FTP), Thunderbolt or Firewire device 软件截图
今天和大家分享最新版本的 EndNote X8.0.1 ,完美支持 Mac Office Word 2016 ,EndNote是最强大的论文写作助手之一,支持 Mac Word、Pages, 用来创建个人参考文献库,并且可以加入文本、图像、表格和方程式等内容及链接等信息,能够与 Microsoft Word、Apple Pages完美无缝链接,方便地插入所引用文献并按照格式进行编排,是论文写作的好助手,非常的优秀和专业! [EndNote X8 在官网上售价249.95美元,约合人民币1500元] 软件介绍 EndNote 是一个著名的参考文献管理软件,用来创建个人参考文献库,并且可以加入文本、图像、表格和......
Swinsian 是一款Mac上的轻量级音乐播放器,今天和大家分享最新的 1.13.3 版本,相比iTunes的臃肿,Swinsian提供了轻量级的音乐播放,并且具有更为强大的功能,支持MP3, M4A/AAC, WMA, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, WAV等几乎所有常见的音乐格式,还可以导入iTunes音乐库,支持导入任意目录内的音乐,还能够自动扫描重复的音乐文件,非常不错! 软件介绍 Swinsian is a sophisticated music player for Mac OS X with wide format support, folder watching and advanced tag editing and designed to be responsive even with the largest l......