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FontLab VI 是一款Mac上优秀的字体编辑工具,可以用来创建自己的字体或者编辑现有的字体,功能全面,支持打开和导出功能,全面的字体编辑器,很不错! 软件介绍 With FontLab VI, you can create, open, modify, draw, space, kern, hint and export desktop, web, color and variable fonts. The app is an all-around font editor, but also supports data interchange with other font creation tools, making it easy to integrate into your existing workflows. We’ve put our all into FontLab VI. We talked to type desi......
今天和大家分享最新的 djay Pro 2.0.4 版本,这是一款Mac上专业强大的DJ媒体播放软件,全新界面和功能,支持和iTunes无缝集成,方便播放iTunes中的音乐,完全拖拽操作,支持BPM Sync、Automix mode 、Harmonic Match等等功能,软件的界面UI也非常的漂亮,非常不错的一款软件! 软件介绍 djay Pro 2 is the next generation of Algoriddim’s multiple award-winning DJ software with countless new features, a redesigned user interface, and advanced library management tools. djay Pro’s unique, modern interface is built ......
SQLPro for MSSQL 是一款Mac上优秀的SQL Server数据库客户端,快速的连接和管理MSSQL服务器,简单易用,支持SQL Azure、SQL Server 2016等,很不错! 软件介绍 SQLPro for MSSQL is a lightweight Microsoft SQL Server database client, allowing quick and simple access to MSSQL Servers, including those hosted via cloud services such as SQL Azure or Amazon RDS. Features include: + Syntax highlighting (including customizable themes). + Intellisense. + Tabbed based interface. + Support for executing multipl......
Xliff Editor 是一款Mac上优秀的Xliff格式文件编辑器,为我们提供更加方便的XLIFF文件编辑方式,不用担心文件损坏,该XLIFF编辑器还包括完整的搜索支持,方便的键盘快捷键,很不错的本地化开发工具! 软件介绍 Xliff Editor - its fast to load, easy to use, and has a low memory footprint. Did we forget to mention Inline tag protection, Fuzzy search, intuitive shortcuts, multiple concurrent file editing and native spell checker. It also has some pretty nice customizations you can use to better suit your wo......
Power Manager 是一款 Mac 上专业的电源管理工具,今天和大家分享最新的 4.6.4 版本,支持macos 10.13 新系统,能够帮助减少能源消耗,自动优化任务,支持多个用户以及提供无限制的计划任务,比如设置自动睡眠时间、自动开机时间、自动唤醒时间等等,非常实用的一款软件。 软件介绍 Power Manager is the solution for reducing the energy costs of Mac computers. Use Power Manager to assert control over when your Macs are available and when they are switched off. Power Manager extends the scheduling functionality ......
Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client 是思科提供的安全移动解决方案,今天和大家分享 4.5 版本,主要用于远程安全连接公司内部的电脑,简单易用,通过SSL 远程控制电脑,让你随时随地的办公,是思科提供的安全移动解决方案,非常不错! 软件介绍 Make the experience easier and more secure with the enhanced remote access technology of Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client. This software builds on prior Cisco AnyConnect Client offerings to improve the always-on experience across more laptop and smartph......
Disk Care 2 是一款Mac上优秀的磁盘优化清理工具,类似CleanMyMac,可以自动扫描磁盘,清理垃圾文件等,很不错! 软件介绍 Most powerful and beautiful disk space saving app on the Mac app store. Time to find you much needed space on your drive. Disk Care 2 is better than ever! Now includes: • Password protect Disk Care 2 or use Touch ID to allow the app to delete files • Touch Bar and Touch ID support with the new MacBook Pro • Now optimizes space in your potentially huge iTunes folder! Clean & c......
今天和大家分享 Principle for Mac 3.7 版本,Principle 是一款Mac上优秀的移动APP交互原型设计神器,界面类似Sketch等做图软件,支持移动应用原型设计,能够做出多屏的交互效果、动画等,iOS、Apple Watch、Android都支持,非常的强大和好用! 软件介绍 Principle makes it easy to create animated and interactive user interface designs. Whether you're designing the flow of a multi-screen app, or new interactions and animations, Principle lets you create designs that look and feel amazing. The largest update ......
PowerPhotos 是一款Mac上优秀的照片管理工具,今天和大家分享最新的 1.3.6 版本,能够让你能够直接浏览图库,节省iCloud空间,并能够检测重复图片,让你快速删除多余的图片,简单易用,配合照片使用很不错! 软件介绍 PowerPhotos allows you to break up your Photos.app images among multiple Photos libraries, rather than having to store all of them in one giant library. You can easily switch between libraries, or just browse the photos in your libraries directly from PowerPhotos, without having to open eac......
今天和大家分享 PDF Expert 2.3 版本,增加了页码等新功能,PDF Expert 是Mac上一款非常好用PDF阅读和编辑工具,支持编辑文本、图片、大纲等等特性,PDF Expert同时具有Mac和iOS版本,都受到的苹果的官方推荐,界面简洁、PDF打开和浏览速度都很不错,支持多标签,是Mac上首选的PDF工具! 软件介绍 “PDF Expert 让 Adobe Acrobat 黯然失色。” - Cult of Mac. PDF Expert 轻快、强大,好一款精致的 PDF 编辑应用。 阅读、批注、编辑 PDF 之体验简直无以伦比。 **编辑 PDF*** PDF Expert 系编辑 PDF 文本、图片、链接、大纲之最佳应用......
今天和大家分享最新的 Mocks 2.7 版本,这是一款Mac上强大的移动 App UI 原型设计工具,可用于设计iOS移动应用原型的设计,包括iPhone、iPad应用,内置大量控件和模板,简单易用,快速制作成精美的APP原型,非常的不错! 软件介绍 Rapidly create beautiful, high-fidelity mockups of iOS, iPad and iPhone applications with Mocks. Mocks is an modern, native app for Mac OS X that gives you special tools to design mockups of iOS applications and screens. Mocks comes with a built-in collection of graphics depicti......
今天和大家分享最新的 FileMaker Pro Advanced 16.0 Mac 中文版本,增加大量新的功能,FileMaker Pro 是跨平台的知名数据库商用软件,比传统的如Oracle、SQL Server等商业数据库软件,其优点在于易于使用,能够非常快的上手,支持直接存储图片、PDF文件、多媒体文件等,提供的大量辅助工具非常的实用! 软件介绍 FileMaker Pro 是一款功能强大且简单易用的软件,用于创建可在 iPad、iPhone、Windows、Mac 和 Web 上运行的自定义商业解决方案。可使用 FileMaker Pro 管理信息,并与您的团队共享信息。构建您自己的解决方案,或使用......